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arr33.6.2024 - doplnené farby merino jednolícu 16.5.2024 - biely suedecloth máme na sklade 15.5.2024 -...


bežná cena 2,50 €
cena 1,50 €
bežná cena 7,80 €
cena 4,50 €
bežná cena 9,50 €
cena 4,75 €


cena 7,90 €
cena 9,10 €
bežná cena 2,90 €
cena 2,30 €

ČR + International shipping
zásielky do ČR/international shipping

Objednaný tovar zasielame aj do ČR – jednoducho a výhodne:

  • prevod platby za objednaný tovar je na účet v českej banke (FIO), v českých korunách (platbu zadávate ako tuzemský prevod v českých korunách)
  • odoslanie tovaru sa realizuje len prostredníctvom Packety
  • cez Packetu si môžete vybrať doručenie:                                                                                                                                                                                         1. výdajné miesto (systém Vám automaticky ponúkne zoznam pri zadávaní objednávky) - cena 5,10 E (max. 5kg)                                                                                                                                                                                                  2. kuriérom Packety na Vašu adresu - cena 7,80 E (max. 5 kg)                                                                                    pri pri vyššej hmotnosti bude cena upravená
  • podrobné informácie a ceny Packety nájdete na: www.packeta.sk
  • na dobierku do ČR nezasielame - ďakujeme za porozumenie

Prepočet na české koruny robíme podľa aktuálneho kurzu CZK-EUR Fio banky SK (devízy nákup). Takto si viete presne zistiť, koľko Vás bude objednávka stáť - http://www.fio.sk/  (KURZOVÝ LÍSTOK - nákup)

Podrobnosti k platbe za objednaný tovar (suma v CZK, výška poštovného, číslo účtu) budú uvedené v maili – potvrdenie objednávky, ktorý posielame zvyčajne do 24 h.


shipping costs

We ship to EU countries with Packeta.sk. Shipping costs calculating is based on the country of delivery, the weight and the volume of the package. During placing your order, please select "international shipping" and we will send you exact shipping costs by email within 24 hrs. You can consider then if shipping costs are acceptable or not.

For more information about pick-up points, delivery options....click here:https://www.packeta.sk/en

Import duties, taxes, and brokerage fees are not included in the product price or shipping and handling cost. These charges are the buyer’s responsability.

The customer must inspect all received packages for possible external and internal damages caused by the handling by the shipping company. Please do not accept any delivery if the products may be considered damaged. As soon as reverse logistics is complete, we will refund the customer full store credit (excluding logistics fees).


Payment by bank transfer in advance is needed. Cash on delivery is not available in international orders. After placing your order, we will send you exact shipping costs and payment instructions by email within 24 hrs. 

If you have any question, do not hesitate to contact me via mail: info@detivbavlnke.sk